Mission Statement

I’m a 39 year old Trekkie from Germany. I’ve watched Star Trek since I was about seven or eight years old. First, this included reruns of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine and, when Voyager first aired, I sat on the living room couch in my Starfleet uniform one evening every week, soaking up the new adventures. I remember talking my mother into watching First Contact with me — my first Trek movie — and going to the Star Trek Experience in Düsseldorf and being allowed to fly the Enterprise-D there because I was the only kid with somewhat realistic rank pips (ensign). I later watched Enterprise and, when I was in university, I went back to the original series for the first time.

Ever since, Star Trek has been on a continual re-run cycle in my house: TOS-TNG-DS9-VOY-ENT and back to the start. This is what I turn to when I had a bad day at work, am laid up sick in bed or just need to feel at home for some reason. Star Trek is an integral part of who I am and has been since my childhood. I carry with me several communicator badges and a huge baggage of largely unhelpful Star Trek knowledge that my wife teases me about regularly. I figured, I might as well start putting that to some use.

In this newsletter, I plan to watch, and then review, every Star Trek episode ever released, in the order in which they aired, starting with the original series and “The Man Trap”. This will include New Trek, of course, which I am not looking forward to, but we will deal with that should we ever get that far.

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A continuing mission to watch, and review, every Star Trek episode ever aired


Freelance journalist, podcaster and writer from Germany with cultural roots in the Commonwealth. I am writing a dystopian novel, know things about IT security and read a lot of history books. I am interested in classic science fiction and fantasy.